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  • Géraldine Nemrod uploaded a new video
    L'enregistrement de cette session webinaire est désormais disponible en français
    WHO CoVDP | 20th September | French
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  • Géraldine Nemrod uploaded a new video
    The recording of this webinar session is available in English
    WHO CoVDP | 20th September | English
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  • Géraldine Nemrod created a new event

    ‘Learning Collective Initiative’ in Covid-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership (CoVDP): Learnings from One Plan / One Budget Development

    A ‘Learning Collective Initiative’ has been established under the CoVDP to provide targeted support to 34 concerted support countries. This workstream will collect, consolidate, and share lessons learned, best practices, and challenges in planning and operationalizing COVID-19 vaccination uptake....

    A ‘Learning Collective Initiative’ has been established under the CoVDP to provide targeted support to 34 concerted support countries. This workstream will collect, consolidate, and share lessons learned, best practices, and challenges in planning and operationalizing COVID-19 vaccination uptake. This series is primarily directed at national authorities who are responsible for managing or making key decisions on the deployment, implementation and monitoring of COVID-19 vaccines. The secondary target audience includes partners in the one country team who can provide desired technical support.

    This 6-session Learning Collective Initiative series will be hosted in partnership with Project ECHO. Each session will be 90 minutes featuring a brief didactic presentation and two countries presenting their learnings from the COVID -19 vaccination with focused thematic areas on the best practices and challenges. Details on the topic and the presenters will be sent 1 week prior to each session.

    Session 4 – September 20, 2022 - Learnings from One Plan / One Budget Development

    Register here: https://echo.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqc-uopjoiHdOUcl4uNzIPxxpgoFwQMG4B

    20th Sep, 2022 13:30 - 15:00 - Europe/Zurich
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