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Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:

16th Jun, 2020 1:00PM


16th Jun, 2020 3:00PM

Event Description:

Please join us for a free webinar, Virtual Vaccine Technology: Focus on Covid-19, scheduled for Tuesday, June 16, 2020, from 1 – 3 pm (Central Europe Time) 7 – 9 am (US Eastern Standard time). You are receiving this invitation as you have previously attended one of ECI’s Vaccine TechnologyCell Culture, or Biochemical and Molecular Engineering conferences or have asked to be on our mailing list.

Space is limited and we urge you to register as soon as possible at the following link: Click Here.  

Please disregard if you have already signed up for this webinar.

On June 15 you will receive the link to join the virtual webinar.  The link is for your use only.  Each speaker will talk for approximately ten minutes and five minutes will be reserved for questions.

The Program:

1:00 – 1:05         Introduction by Vaccine Technology VIII Chairs
                          Francesc Gòdia, Charles Lutsch, Linda Hwee-Lin Lua, Tarit Mukhopadhyay 

1:05 – 1:20         Julià Blanco
                          IRSI Caixa, Barcelona, Spain
                          “Characteristics and mechanisms of action of SARS CoV-2: What do we know?”

1:20 – 1:35         Silvie Briand
                          WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
                          “Covid-19: an unprecedented pandemic” 

1:35 – 1:50         Jerome Kim
                          International Vaccine Institute, Seoul, South Korea
                          “Test, track, isolate, and treat in South Korea” 

1:50 – 2:05         Jim Robinson
                          CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations), Oslo, Norway
                          “Considerations for Manufacturing for a  Pandemic” 

2:05 – 2:20         Paul Young
                          University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
                          “Molecular Clamp Technology for Covid-19 vaccines” 

2:20 – 2:35         Valérie Lecouturier
Sanofi Pasteur, Marcy l’Etoile, France
                          “Development of a subunit Covid-19 pandemic vaccine” 

2:35 – 2:50         David Robinson
                          Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, USA
                          “Global response to current and future pandemics” 

2:50 – 3:00         Recap and Future – Vaccine Technology VIII Conference Chairs 

Vaccine Technology VIII has rescheduled for March 14-19, 2021 at the Melia Hotel in Sitges, Spain.  For more information

Engineering Conferences International (ECI) is a not-for-profit global engineering conferences program, originally established in 1962, that provides for the exploration of problems and issues of concern to engineers and scientists from many disciplines.

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