Friday, 18 October 2019
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Pakistan is among 2 last countries with Afghanistan that are struggling to eradicate polio from the country. Despite of repeated SIA's (more than 100 rounds) and having good LQAS results showing high coverage, still WPV is being detected (Human Polio cases as well as positive Environmental samples). So, would there be a role and use of serosurveys in this regard? Please look at the attached file from Punjab Pakistan where details can be appreciated in the weekly reports.

Thank you dear Imran Qureshi for sharing the very well clear and detailed analysis of WPV cases in Punjab. This is an unfortunate situation both for Pakistan and Afghanistan that WPV circulation is still going on these areas. Doing a serosurvey will be in fact a very interesting study. I would humbly suggest if possible to consider the survey based on the RI vaccination card not based on finger marking, because of ensuring the actual vaccine administration. Sometimes, the child’s finger might be marked for receiving OPV without actual receiving it. In such case, this might create a false perception of vaccine failure rather to guide the program to focus on the actual vaccine administration.

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