Thursday, 02 December 2021
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Dear Colleagues,

I would like to bring to your attention that the Summary Tables of WHO Routine Immunization Recommendations have been updated. The latest versions (November 2021) of the Summary Tables (available in both FRENCH and ENGLISH) can be downloaded from the WHO website ( As these tables are updated regularly, it is always best to go to the website for the most recent version.

I would like to thank Shalini Desai for her help with this task.

This latest revision has been a LARGE one and the main updates include the following:

  1. Polio: Revised to reflect and provide links to the March 2021 (WER9622-eng-fre.pdf (, October 2020 (WER9548-585-607-eng-fre.pdf ( and March 2020 (WER9522-eng-fre.pdf ( SAGE Meeting recommendations (clarifying the bOPV+IPV schedule options)
  1. DTP-containing vaccine: Revised to provide link to the evidence supporting the off-license use of Td vaccine in children 4-7 years of age (Use of tetanus-diphtheria (Td) vaccine in children 4–7 years of age: World Health Organization consultation of experts - ScienceDirect) 
  1. Pneumococcal (Conjugate): Revised to include NEW June 2021 Concept Note on considerations for pneumococcal vaccination in older adults (WER9623-217-228-eng-fre.pdf ( resulting from the evidence review by the WHO SAGE Working Group on Pneumococcal Vaccines and SAGE at its October 2020 meeting (WER9548-585-607-eng-fre.pdf (
  1. Rotavirus: NEW WHO Position Paper – July 2021 (WER9628-eng-fre.pdf ( (to include recent developments in the field, such as 2 additional rotavirus vaccines prequalified by WHO in 2018, as well as updated post-licensure safety and effectiveness data for the 2 previously prequalified rotavirus vaccines)
  1. Rubella: NEW WHO Position Paper – July 2020 (WER9527-306-324-eng-fre.pdf ( the most recent developments in the field of rubella vaccines and updated guidance on their introduction and use in national immunization schedules. Including co-administration of rubella vaccine with yellow fever (YF) vaccine and the WHO position on the control and elimination of rubella)
  1. HPV: Revised to include the October 2019 SAGE Meeting recommendations (WER9447-eng-fre.pdf ( (recommending the following additional strategies: All countries should temporarily pause implementation of boy, older age group (>15 years) and multi-age cohort (MAC) HPV vaccination strategies until vaccine supply allows equitable access to HPV vaccine by all countries. Countries can adopt an extended interval of 3-5 years between the 2 doses. This strategy constitutes off-label use of the vaccine.)
  1. Minor updates to measles, YF, JE (live vaccine co administration (i.e. should be co administered or wait 4 weeks)
  1. Revision of Table 3 footnotes to only include information related to interrupted and delayed schedules.

Just a reminder that a User's Guide to the Summary Tables exists ( and in French (

This short guide has been developed as a companion piece to help orientate users of the summary tables.

What are the purposes of this guide?

• To raise awareness that the full spectrum of WHO recommendations for routine immunization are available in four summary tables.

• To explain how the summary tables can be used at country level to review and possibly modify a national immunization schedule so that it has greater impact and efficiency.

• To highlight practical and operational issues that country decision-makers should consider when making a change to the national immunization schedule.

Please circulate this message to others who may be interested.  The Summary Tables are intended for use by national immunization managers and key decision-makers, chairs of national advisory committees on immunization, and partner organizations, including industry.

Best regards.


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