Tuesday, 27 June 2000
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Post00261 MDVP 27 June 2000 CONTENTS 1. IS MDVP BEING WIDELY IMPLEMENTED? RESPONSE! The Multi-Dose Vial Policy (previously the Open Vial Policy) recommends the continued use of multi-dose vials of DTP/TT/DT/Hb/OPV beyond one immunization session provided conditions of safe storage and usage are met. Implementation of the MDVP should yield substantial savings through reduced sessional wastage. In Technet Post00255, Bob Davis, UNICEF, asked about studies on savings achieved and which countries are actually implementing the MDVP. In today's posting Alasdair Wylie makes some useful suggestions and helps to refresh our institutional memory. Serge Ganivet, WHO/AFRO, briefly reports on implementation in the Central African Region. From: "Alasdair Wylie" To: "Technet Moderator" Subject: Re: Post00255 MDVP Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 23:21:47 +0100 A couple of comments on MDVP, re Bob's question: 1. When in the Caucasus countries a year ago to help plan EPI evaluations I came across an annual EPI summary report form being used by UNICEF which had among various additional information questions one which asked whether "open vial policy" was yet being implemented in the country. I assumed at the time that the form (which I can fax if of interest) was standard for at least the countries of that UNICEF region; presumably it would not be difficult for UNICEF to confirm how many countries were using it, or supposed to be. 2. Re savings: when the first version of this policy was first presented, at the first "Operation MECACAR" meeting in Ankara in 1995, I suggested that in order to help countries find out what savings were being made, WHO prepare a simple model study protocol which could be used by countries "before" and " after" policy change. A meeting recommendation to this effect was drafted but I do not recall seeing it appearing in the eventual meeting report, or any subsequent action on it from WHO. (Please correct me if I am wrong). It has always seemed fairly obvious that in the absence of reasonably accurate figures on actual (as opposed to theoretical) vaccine usage/wastage - which as we know all too few countries do even over twenty years after the launch of a global EPI - before a change to MDVP, finding out savings as a result of policy change is just guesswork. It is also still not too late to make a start. --- Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 10:42:49 +0200 To: Technet Moderator From: Serge Ganivet Subject: Re: Post00255 MDVP Dear Bob, The MDVP is implemented or should be implemented since last week. There was a national workshop/training on EPI with the introduce of MDVP. Let see. The MDVP should be implemented soon in Cameroon, during a national training also but the date is still not fixed. regards serge ____________________________________*______________________________________
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