Wednesday, 13 July 2016
  1 Replies
  11.2K Visits

Hello all,

Microarray patches (MAPs) are under development for delivering vaccine into the skin. The technology has exciting potential for application to immunization programs.

PATH is looking for input from experts in low- and middle-income country immunization programs about the feasibility of MAPs to facilitate immunization, especially for novel delivery scenarios like self-administration of vaccine at home, as well as more traditional immunization settings in LMICs. We have created an online survey as a forum for collecting your feedback.

We value your opinion on this topic. The survey will be open for one week and should take no more than 20 minutes:


The results will inform dialogue with vaccine manufacturers and other stakeholders as we work to advance this exciting new method for vaccine delivery. I encourage you to share your opinion in the survey and to forward the link above to other colleagues, particularly those in LMIC immunization programs. I’m always happy to chat in person as well and have included my contact information below.

I hope to hear from you.

Best regards,




Sarah McGray

Program Officer, Devices & Tools


Tel: 206.285.3500

Skype: smcgray

Email: [email protected]

8 years ago

Just a few more days to respond to the survey--we want to hear from you!

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