Tuesday, 27 May 2014
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Member States Delegates discuss progress towards global immunization goals at the World Health Assembly, May 2014 Fifty-four speakers including 50 representatives from Member States[1], one Observer[2], Civil Society Organizations[3] and the GAVI Alliance took the floor during the discussion on the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP). Delegates commended the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on immunization for an excellent assessment report[4] and took note of the recommendations, particularly on the need to improve data quality. While Member States acknowledged WHO’s fundamental role in facilitating the rollout of the GVAP, they also highlighted the need for all stakeholders, particularly national governments to play a leading role in making the needed investments in immunization and in monitoring programme performance. Delegates highlighted several issues that must be addressed if the global immunization goals are to be achieved including: • Sustainable access to vaccines — especially the newer vaccines — at affordable prices for all countries, especially the middle-income countries who are not eligible for funding support from the GAVI Alliance; • Technology transfer to facilitate local manufacture of vaccines as a means of ensuring vaccine security; • Guidance to improve data quality including the use of new technologies like electronic registries; • Assistance on risk communication and management to address misinformation in some countries and communities on the need for immunization and its impact on vaccination coverage; and • Support countries to review the evidence and conduct economic analysis leading to informed decisions based on local priorities and needs. In its response, the WHO secretariat, while taking note of all the issues raised by the delegates also reminded the Assembly that the GVAP progress report indicated that the world was not on track to achieve some of the key immunization goals for the decade and urged for more concerted action by all immunization stakeholders. For more information visit WHO website http://www.who.int/immunization/en/ [1] Brazil; Cote d’Ivoire; Jamaica; Malaysia; Bahrain; Colombia; Thailand; Lebanon; Republic of Korea; China; Ecuador; Burundi; Indonesia; Japan; Vietnam; Russia; Iraq; Kenya; Surinam; Congo; Oman; Spain; Togo; Mexico; Namibia; Maldives; Morocco; South Africa; Germany; Mongolia; Algeria; Iran; India; Egypt; Barbados; Burkina-Faso; Jordan; Costa Rica; UAE; Uruguay; Tunisia; USA; Ethiopia; Trinidad-Tobago; Grenada; Azerbaijan; Malawi; Libya; Argentina; Tanzania. [2] Taipei [3] International Pharmacists Federation and MSF [4] WHA 67, Document A67/12, SAGE GVAP Assessment report, http://www.who.int/entity/immunization/global_vaccine_action_plan/OMS-IVB-AssessmentReport-20131212v5.pdf?ua=1 GVAP DoV Secretariat Report 2013, http://www.who.int/entity/immunization/global_vaccine_action_plan/GVAP_secretariat_report_2013.pdf?ua=1
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