I wish to add to the very practical and sensible Robin and Rafael discussions on Covid-19. There should be more specific stability data provided for the candidate vaccines. ULT is really a non-reality for logistics in terms of cost and maintenance for LMIC countries for a country wide pandemic (versus a limited Ebola contaInment). Even -20 deg C can pose a serious problem to the service level clinics versus the target population. Can we find expected number of doses per LMIC country (by different tranches) versus the number of expected cases available from COVAX? It is all too confusing for any logistician to start planning and will certainly delay the introduction of the vaccine.The release of Covid-19 vaccine will also be subject to WHO EUL conditions, please refer to the GPEI wbsite https://polioeradication.org/tools-and-library/resources-for-polio-eradicators/gpei-tools-protocols-and-guidelines/ (vaccines & logistics) for examples of the restraints in using nOPV2 and tOPV in the EPI system.This is a major challenge in a major pandemic. Ticky Raubenheimer
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