Wednesday, 14 June 2023
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Integrating COVID-19 vaccination into immunization programmes and primary healthcare

We are pleased to inform you that the resources for Integrating COVID-19 vaccination into immunization programmes and primary health care are now available. The integration support package consists of complementary materials based on the guidance to help countries to navigate towards operationalizing C-19 vaccine integration and aims at offering an organized information space that:

  • Facilitates countries, development partners, NGOs and entities supporting COVID-19 vaccination integration into essential immunization program and Primary Health Care Program (PHC), map the current status of integration efforts and a way forward; access successes and challenges of their COVID-19 vaccination programmes that would potentially inform about emerging issues in real-time and thus open a pathway for immediate solutions.
  • Establishes a knowledge platform that creates an operational legacy to inform COVID-19 vaccine integration planning and strengthening each of the health system building blocks and across life-course, as well as, creating synergies with the PHC program through developing adult vaccination platforms that could be scaled up in preparation of a future health crisis.

Topics areas include

  1. The general guidance for COVID-19 vaccine integration

Considerations for Integrating COVID-19 Vaccination into immunization programmes and primary health care for 2022 and Beyond” document aims to provide a definition, principles and overview of the benefits and risks of integrating COVID-19 vaccination into immunization programmes, PHC and other relevant health services. The document is available in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.

  1. Integration mapping tool and complementary materials

Enable countries to conduct a situational analysis and assess the current state of COVID-19 vaccination integration along health system building blocks to identify existing strengths and potential focus areas that may require further action/investment to advance integration. The mapping tool is available in English and French.

  1. Readiness assessment checklist (dashboard version)

Allows countries to efficiently use the checklist (Annex 3 of the guidance) to assess their status on COVID-19 vaccine integration by health system building block. The checklist is available in English and French

  1. Implementation support documents

Provides countries with practical and action-oriented support (e.g., country best practices, lessons learned) for implementation of global guidelines along health system building blocks and/or target populations

We want to thank all stakeholders involved, especially country and regional colleagues, for their active collaboration and sharing of materials.

Santosh / Alba / Hamidreza /Imran

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