Wednesday, 30 January 2019
  2 Replies
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We have recently used the WHO Immunization Session Checklist (Figure 5.11 in the 2015 edition of Immunization in Practice) as part of a set of observational research tools looking at routine immunization practices in Papua New Guinea. We are looking for benchmarks on compliance with the checklist and are wondering whether anyone else has used this tool in supervision, evaluation or research. Thanks very much Chris Morgan
5 years ago

Dear Chris

Thanks for the post.

The answer is a big yes.

In India, RI sessions are monitored mainly by the supportive partner organizations and the Govt too using checklist during which the monitors provide supportive super vision, the good practices are felicitated on tte spot, hands on training / reorientation / demonstartion given on the spot as well as in the review meetings which rapidly improved quantity and the quality of vaccination services including newborn vaccination: zero OPV/BCG later HepB birth dose got added. 

RAPID [Regular appraisl of programme implementation in a district] was done in selected districts by the MCHIP with dramtic results. SS for 4 consequitive months can do wonders. Though I do not have the documents of this, it was time to time shared by the partner organization with the district and the respective state authorities for replication for which the state govt profusely thanked the doers of the organiztion.

I provided ATM at session site [All Time Monitoring] to the ANMs of attched RHTC in 2013 for self supervision and monitoring, now updated to match with the current schedule and practice. But the use is very much restricted to the PHC as we do not have the authority for wider application being private medical college, public health demands proactive participation as a social service but authority is the key element.

Best wishes







5 years ago

Dear Chris

It is routinely used in India mainly by the spportive partner organizations, observations were used in the review meetings, best performers/good practices were felicitated and the lapses were rectified. In 4 successive visits, programme visibly improved. This approach can be applied for any programme.

MCHIP frequently conducte RAPID using Supportive Supervision checklist whic helped in improving the quantity and quality of vaccination services in the adopted districts. District and State authories thanked the consultants. 

Presently I have no access for the old data.

Best wishes





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