Monday, 23 July 2018
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During the GIM conducted in Rwanda in June 2018, a breakout session entitled “Innovations & Transitions for Immunization Data” was moderated by Jan Grevendonk, WHO HQ, and Hope Johnson, The Gavi Alliance. 

Participants discussed the transitions that are taking place with immunization data, such as the move from parallel to integrated systems, aggregate data to individual record keeping, infant to life course vaccination, systems and tools moving from paper to cloud, and the need to move from data for reporting to data for action. They heard from several country and regional experiences and innovations:

  • George Bonsu (Ghana EPI), talked about how Ghana integrated the DVMT EPI reporting systems into the national HMIS (DHIMS).
  • Alain Poy (WHO/AFRO) presented the routine immunization module within DHIS2, which was developed by WHO and the University of Oslo, and is now being implemented in countries in the African Region.
  • Josephine Simwinga (Zambia EPI) shared her experiences with the implementation of electronic systems for logistics and immunization registries.
  • Martha Velandia (PAHO) talked about the progress and lessons learned with Electronic Immunization Registries in the region.
  • Emma Hannay (Acasus) showed how EPI in Punjab (Pakistan) increased accountability through the use of a mobile app for health workers.
  • Lora Shimp (JSI) highlighted the continued importance of paper records and tools as she presented on data quality and use at the facility level.
  • Laurie Werner (PATH) evaluated the evidence behind data interventions, as found by the IDEA project.

Presentations from the Data Session at the GIM Meeting 2018 can be found here:

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