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  • Hi Jilhimil,

    Thanks for sharing the news, however i met the problem to share my details after i input my name and e-mail address. The following evidence for your reference. Appreciated for your kind assist.

    "We're Sorry

    We are unable to complete your request."

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  •   Dan Brigden reacted to this post about 3 years ago

    Dear TechNet team, thanks for the update. May I know if this is a one way information delivery, or each manufacturer can have a market place to have an exhibition?

    Looking forward to your kind confirmation. My e-mail is [email protected]

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  •   Alex Lee commented on this post about 3 years ago
    Bonsoir, pouvez vous nous la liste de vos équipement homologués par l'OMS pour le stockage des vaccins?
    Comments (1)
    • Alex Lee
      Bonjours, Si jamais, je sais pas si vous avez vue mais il ya Une base de donne "PQS" sous le menu CCE (cold chain équipement) ici:  https://www.techneBonjours, Si jamais, je sais pas si vous avez vue mais il ya Une base de donne "PQS" sous le menu CCE (cold chain équipement) ici: n'hésiter pas a me demander si vous avez des question
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  • Qingdao Haier Biomedical Co., Ltd is now following raja chowdhry
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