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Webinar: Design, development and deployment of an electronic immunization registry - PATH IDEAL

By Moderator in Service delivery 2114 views 9th Jul, 2020 Video Duration: 01:40:09

The Introducing Digital Immunization information systems - Exchange And Learning from Vietnam (IDEAL-Vietnam) is a PATH project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which has been working closely with Vietnam’s Ministry of Health in facilitating a successful transition from paper records to a completely paperless immunization record system. IDEAL Vietnam has been documenting the successes scored, challenges encountered and sharing evidence-based and data-driven learning and experience from Vietnam to inform, influence, and accelerate the successful implementation of similar tools in other countries and contexts. In this panel discussion the panelists will discuss lessons learned from Vietnam in the deployment of an electronic immunization registry (EIR) from design and development right through to national scale-up. The panelists will share the key drivers and barriers to successful deployment of EIRs while underscoring the importance of government commitment and stakeholder partnerships.

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