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  • Empowering Millions a créé un nouvel événement

    Webinar Invitation: Supply Chain Workforce Strengthening For Better Results

    Empower School of Health is hosting a #webinar on Supply Chain Workforce Strengthening For Better Results in collaboration with Zambia Medicines & Medical Supplies Agency (ZAMMSA).

    Participation is #free and a #certificate of participation will be provided.

    ?️Schedule - 17th January 2023

    ⏰Time -…
    Empower School of Health is hosting a #webinar on Supply Chain Workforce Strengthening For Better Results in collaboration with Zambia Medicines & Medical Supplies Agency (ZAMMSA).

    Participation is #free and a #certificate of participation will be provided.

    ?️Schedule - 17th January 2023

    ⏰Time - 10.30 am - 11:30 am Zambia time (9.30 am Geneva time)

    ?️Platform - Zoom

    Register here:
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    17 Jan 2023 à 08:30 - 09:30 - UTC
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