
VIPS - Identification of priority vaccines for micro-array patches and CTC use.pdf (1198kb)

The Vaccine Innovation Prioritisation Strategy (VIPS) is a collaboration between the Gavi Secretariat, World Health Organization...
VIPS - Identification of priority vaccines for micro-array patches and CTC use.pdf (1198kb)

The Vaccine Innovation Prioritisation Strategy (VIPS) is a collaboration between the Gavi Secretariat, World Health Organization (WHO), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and PATH to evaluate and prioritize vaccine product innovations for low- and lower-middle income countries (LMICs) and to drive these innovations forward. These innovations are needed to increase equitable coverage, including for zero-dose children, and to contribute to global health security.

In May 2020, VIPS prioritized three innovations following a thorough two-year evaluation process:

• Vaccine-Microarray patches (MAPs)
• Heat stable and Controlled Temperature Chain (CTC) qualified vaccines
• Barcodes on primary packaging

As a next step, the VIPS Alliance defined end-to-end strategies for the three prioritized innovations, including clear action plans, to accelerate their development and uptake in LMICs, which were informed by consultations with vaccine manufacturers and technology developers.

These consultations have revealed the need for clearer guidance onvaccines which should be prioritized for use with vaccine-MAPs and in a CTC, and through expert consultations, the VIPS Alliance has worked to develop a priority list of vaccines for both innovations.

To provide an opportunity to individuals from a broad list of stakeholder groups including vaccine manufacturers and technology developers, as well as implementation partners to provide feedback, we are launching a public consultation on these two priority lists.

Please find attached a presentation outlining the vaccine prioritisation, which includes a brief explanation of the methodology used. We seek your feedback on the final lists of priority vaccines for use with microarray patches or in a Controlled Temperature Chain.

We are happy to receive any feedback or questions you have directly by commenting on this discussion board within TechNet-21. Or alternatively you are welcome to share any feedback by email to Fayad El Sheikh at [email protected].
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[file id="1751"]test public consultation.pptx[/file]
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