
Dear colleagues,

I am Hamadou Modibo Dicko and I am pursuing a Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) in supply chain with my thesis topic is the following: Impacts of health supply chain integration on the programmatic and supply chain...
Dear colleagues,

I am Hamadou Modibo Dicko and I am pursuing a Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) in supply chain with my thesis topic is the following: Impacts of health supply chain integration on the programmatic and supply chain performance of the immunization program.

There are many definitions of supply chain integration, but the one that we use in this thesis is the following:
• Supply chain integration is “merging of more than one vertical supply chain for specified programs or product categories” (Yadav et al., 2014, p. 6726).

As part of my thesis, I have created a short survey to obtain the feedback of the Immunization experts on what could be the possible impacts of the integration of the immunization supply chain with the one of the essential of medicines on the performance of the immunization program.

I know you are all very much busy with the daily activities, but I will be grateful if you could please take 10min to complete the survey as your responses will ineluctably help my research. The survey will be opened for 6 weeks as of May 2022. The survey results will be further disseminated via TechNet21 forum. The link to the survey is the following:


Please be informed that the data collected will only be used for my DBA dissertation and thus for only academic purposes.

In case you have any questions, or you wish to receive a copy of the survey results, please feel free to let me know via my contact details below.

I thank you in advance,
E-mail: [email protected]
Cell : +221781586968
WhatsApp : +41767865248

  1.   Hamadou Modibo Dicko
  2.   110 Vues
  3.   0 Réponses
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours
Dear colleagues,

The U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP), World Health Organization (WHO) & Sabin Vaccine Institute are pleased to invite you to attend the upcoming virtual forum, "Quality, Speed & Equity: Delivering COVID-19 Vaccines to the World." This...
Dear colleagues,

The U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP), World Health Organization (WHO) & Sabin Vaccine Institute are pleased to invite you to attend the upcoming virtual forum, "Quality, Speed & Equity: Delivering COVID-19 Vaccines to the World." This event will be held on 15 March 2021 at 10:30am - 12:00pm EDT / 2:30 - 4:00pm GMT.
Learn more and register here
Thank you and we hope you will join.

  1.   Uwamahoro Kayitesi Chantal
  2.   104 Vues
  3.   0 Réponses
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours
Dear colleagues,

The Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator’s Country Readiness and Delivery (CRD) workstream, Project ECHO, Boost, TechNet-21, and the COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project invite you to join a series of video-conference-based...
Dear colleagues,

The Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator’s Country Readiness and Delivery (CRD) workstream, Project ECHO, Boost, TechNet-21, and the COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project invite you to join a series of video-conference-based capacity building webinars.

Topic: Regulatory and Procurement Aspects for COVID-19 Vaccines

When: 9 March session (12-1PM CET)

Registration: https://echo.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_60QBnRtURmaoXz2mGFWPIQ

Thank you.

  1.   Uwamahoro Kayitesi Chantal
  2.   108 Vues
  3.   0 Réponses
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours
Given the need for an ultra-cold chain (UCC) for an initial leading COVID-19 vaccine candidate, Project Last Mile conducted an analysis on the availability of liquid CO2 (LCO2) within the Coca-Cola value chain in 47 countries in Africa to assist...
Given the need for an ultra-cold chain (UCC) for an initial leading COVID-19 vaccine candidate, Project Last Mile conducted an analysis on the availability of liquid CO2 (LCO2) within the Coca-Cola value chain in 47 countries in Africa to assist in meeting potential dry ice needs to support ultra-cold chain vaccine distribution. This was then expanded to include COVAX countries in Latin America and the Pacific Islands. Ultimately, Project Last Mile completed a rapid assessment examining the feasibility of procuring LCO2 in 70 countries from Coca-Cola partners and suppliers across the three regions.

The upcoming webinar: Findings on the operational feasibility of maintaining ultra-cold temperatures to distribute COVID-19 vaccines – the availability of dry ice within the Coca-Cola value chain in 70 countries will be held on Thursday, March 11, 2021, at 8:00 am PST (UTC-8 hours). At the following link, you can look up the webinar timing in your local time zone: https://tinyurl.com/38jco5ah.

This webinar will share the culmination of this study. The aim is to contribute significant insights into determining the operational feasibility of maintaining ultra-cold temperatures to distribute COVID-19 vaccines. The findings can also inform where COVID-19 vaccines requiring ultra-cold chain may not be feasible or will require another LCO2 procurement approach.

Register now

Project Last Mile (PLM) is an innovative public-private partnership launched in 2010 between The Coca-Cola Company, The Coca-Cola Foundation, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), The Global Fund, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to draw private-sector lessons from across the Coca-Cola value chain to benefit health systems strengthening in Africa.

The webinar will be led by Jonathan Halse, who undertook the analysis for Project Last Mile. Jonathan currently leads Supply Chain Redesign Projects across multiple countries in Africa with Project Last Mile. Jonathan has worked for many leading FMCG leadership brands, including Coca-Cola, Mars, and Pepsi, where he held numerous leadership positions in operations and was deeply involved in capability building in many diverse markets across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. The webinar will be opened by Alexandra Scott, Director of Program Delivery for Project Last Mile.

Time will be dedicated to answering questions from national and sub-national focal points.

If you haven’t yet registered for this event, you can do so here:


The session will build upon the findings in:

  1.   Uwamahoro Kayitesi Chantal
  2.   141 Vues
  3.   0 Réponses
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours
Dear colleagues,

You can already register for the next webinar of the series for Health Workers on COVID-19 Vaccination on the theme : Infection prevention and control for COVID-19 vaccine introduction

Tuesday 2 March, 12pm CET

Dear colleagues,

You can already register for the next webinar of the series for Health Workers on COVID-19 Vaccination on the theme : Infection prevention and control for COVID-19 vaccine introduction

Tuesday 2 March, 12pm CET

Registration link: https://echo.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_81Wgk82kRcmmMVJ43SNOuA"


  1.   Uwamahoro Kayitesi Chantal
  2.   91 Vues
  3.   0 Réponses
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours
The Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator’s Country Readiness and Delivery (CRD) workstream, Project ECHO, Boost, TechNet-21, and the COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project invite you to join a webinar session for health workers focused on...
The Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator’s Country Readiness and Delivery (CRD) workstream, Project ECHO, Boost, TechNet-21, and the COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project invite you to join a webinar session for health workers focused on interpersonal communications for COVID-19 vaccination.

Tuesday 16 February from 12:00 -13:00 CET

Interpretation into French, Spanish and Arabic will be available

The sessions will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to ask questions and share lessons learned on key aspects of COVID-19 vaccine introduction and administration.

Sessions will focus on key aspects of COVID-19 vaccination for global, regional, and national stakeholders. The first session (Feb 16) will focus on COVID-19 vaccination communication. Subsequent sessions will focus on key topics such as: infection prevention and control, responding to AEFI, reporting COVID-19 vaccinations, etc.

Registration: https://echo.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_81Wgk82kRcmmMVJ43SNOuA

This session is part of a series of video-conference-based capacity building webinars: COVID-19 Vaccination: Building Global Capacity.
  1.   Uwamahoro Kayitesi Chantal
  2.   86 Vues
  3.   0 Réponses
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours
Dear colleagues,

Thank you to those who joined us yesterday for the webinar on using PATH’s Vaccine Cost Calculators to inform immunization decision-making. For those who were not able to attend, here are links to the presentation and a...
Dear colleagues,

Thank you to those who joined us yesterday for the webinar on using PATH’s Vaccine Cost Calculators to inform immunization decision-making. For those who were not able to attend, here are links to the presentation and a recording of the session:

Presentation: https://www.technet-21.org/en/library/main/6856-using-path%E2%80%99s-vaccine-cost-calculators-to-inform-immunization-decision-making
Recording: https://youtu.be/77918_zwDWQ
Feel free to share these links with anyone you think may have interest in using the Vaccine Cost Calculators. In addition, feel free to reach out with any questions or comments to [email protected].


  1.   Uwamahoro Kayitesi Chantal
  2.   89 Vues
  3.   0 Réponses
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours
Dear Collegues,
We are pleased to share this interesting publication by our collegues from the WHO Regional office for Africa.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the provision of routine childhood vaccination services in the first three...
Dear Collegues,
We are pleased to share this interesting publication by our collegues from the WHO Regional office for Africa.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the provision of routine childhood vaccination services in the first three months following the pandemic has varied by country according to the administrative data available. A universal decline was not observed in all countries studied. Countries should monitor trends in the number of children vaccinated at national and subnational levels, and those that experience extensive and persistent declines should undertake catch-up vaccination activities to ensure that children who have missed scheduled vaccine doses receive them at the earliest possible time. Mass vaccination campaigns may be undertaken in the context of COVID-19, in order to prevent the accumulation of non-vaccinated children and thus avert outbreaks, but only after ensuring that benefit-risk analysis is done, and with the appropriate infection prevention measures. Since countries with low immunization coverage have experienced greater COVID-19 related declines in the number of vaccinated children, they should update their outbreak risk assessments, maintain active disease surveillance and prepare to take measures to mitigate the risk for outbreaks.
Thank you.

  1.   Uwamahoro Kayitesi Chantal
  2.   109 Vues
  3.   1 Réponses
  4. Dernière réponse par Theogene Hakuzimana
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours
Dear collegues,

TechNet-21 is delighted to share with you the recordings of every session from the 16th TechNet Conference, as well as every slide presented. Links to recordings and slides can be found here:
Dear collegues,

TechNet-21 is delighted to share with you the recordings of every session from the 16th TechNet Conference, as well as every slide presented. Links to recordings and slides can be found here:

Catch up on any sessions you missed or watch your favorite sessions again, as well as share relevant content with your own networks. Sessions are organized by day (see the two tabs with dates) and by time, and links to the presentation and video are provided below the description of the presentation. The names of presenters are shown on the right; to connect with a presenter, click the presenter’s name to view the TechNet profile for that presenter. From there you can start a conversation with the presenter, or request to add them as a contact.

Most of the sessions are available in French and Spanish, as well as English. To view the recordings of all sessions, visit the TechNet-21 YouTube channel.

English: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNXI1NRQQ-AZ-kX90afQmJypridmy-UH
Français: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNXI1NRQQ-BSC-gA7elGe8bKZZPl6XGH
Espagnol: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNXI1NRQQ-CYtch6jqVh8tbr53cgB10D

Thank you.

  1.   Uwamahoro Kayitesi Chantal
  2.   104 Vues
  3.   2 Réponses
  4. Dernière réponse par Tawase Rodrick Wehtuogenyi
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours

Dear colleagues,

In case you are interested the following RFP has been published on the UN Marketplace website:


The purpose of the consultancy is to support countries to conduct cold chain and...

Dear colleagues,

In case you are interested the following RFP has been published on the UN Marketplace website:


The purpose of the consultancy is to support countries to conduct cold chain and Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) assessments as part of COVID-19 vaccine deployment.

Please share with your networks. Many thanks.

  1.   Uwamahoro Kayitesi Chantal
  2.   97 Vues
  3.   0 Réponses
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours
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