
Welcome Note and Launch of Discussions
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours

Dear Colleagues,
We are very delighted to welcome you all to this EAC Immunisation Managers’ CoP. Thank you so much for signing up. This makes us look forward to a vibrant CoP. To that end, we wish to keep growing the membership. We thus encourage you to invite more colleagues to join the Community.

Let me invite and encourage you to start the conversation(s). Here is the video link of how to do it again:

Meanwhile, please take time to explore and also take advantage of the abundant resources available on TechNet-21 such as the COVID-19 page: https://www.technet-21.org/en/topics/covid-19

I also wish to notify you of the upcoming Annual TechNet Conference (next month), which will include extensively coverage of Covid-19 as a major theme, alongside other themes such as supply chain, CCE, etc. Look out for more info and invitations at the end of this week.

Best wishes,



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Thank you so much for sharing those videos
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