
COVID-19 Vaccination webinar #2: Health workers and interpersonal communications for COVID-19 vaccination
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours
The Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator’s Country Readiness and Delivery (CRD) workstream, Project ECHO, Boost, TechNet-21, and the COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project invite you to join a webinar session for health workers focused on interpersonal communications for COVID-19 vaccination.

Tuesday 16 February from 12:00 -13:00 CET

Interpretation into French, Spanish and Arabic will be available

The sessions will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to ask questions and share lessons learned on key aspects of COVID-19 vaccine introduction and administration.

Sessions will focus on key aspects of COVID-19 vaccination for global, regional, and national stakeholders. The first session (Feb 16) will focus on COVID-19 vaccination communication. Subsequent sessions will focus on key topics such as: infection prevention and control, responding to AEFI, reporting COVID-19 vaccinations, etc.

Registration: https://echo.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_81Wgk82kRcmmMVJ43SNOuA

This session is part of a series of video-conference-based capacity building webinars: COVID-19 Vaccination: Building Global Capacity.



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