Every year, the WHO European Region marks European Immunization Week (EIW) to promote immunization as vital to preventin…

Every year, the WHO European Region marks European Immunization Week (EIW) to promote immunization as vital to preventing diseases and protecting life.

This year, on 24–30 April 2019, the campaign aims to raise awareness of the benefits of vaccines and to celebrate the “vaccine heroes” who contribute in so many ways to protecting lives through vaccination.

To find out more about the EIW, please visit WHO Europe website: www.euro.who.int/eiw2019

You are invited to join, follow and share the information and images on the WHO Europe Facebook EIW 2019 event

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  • Jules OMBA MUNGOMBA a rejoint ce groupe
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  • Chimaobi Ejieke a rejoint ce groupe
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  • Hugo Agostinho a rejoint ce groupe
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  • Aisha Gaffer a rejoint ce groupe
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  • Iniofon Inyang a rejoint ce groupe
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  • Briend Donanty Kilone a rejoint ce groupe
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  • tarek elaziz a rejoint ce groupe
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  • Maung Maung Ye Zin Zin a rejoint ce groupe
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  • Abdikani Ahmed a rejoint ce groupe
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