
EVM Manager Guide - volunteers wanted
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours

Hi, we are currently putting the finishing touches to the new EVM Manager Guide PDF. If you are interested in testing out the draft by following the instructions to conduct a self-assessment of one or more facilities using the new "My facilities" tool, please let me know and I can share a draft with you. Your feedback will be invaluable in finaising the document.

"This user guide provides national, subnational, and independent EVM managers with comprehensive guidance on how to use the EVM Manager website to create and deliver EVM assessments."

Many thanks, Dan



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  1. il y a 4 ans
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Thank you very much
I am interested to test and assess myself.

Muneko Joseph Paul
Cold chain Manager
  1. il y a 4 ans
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I am very much interested in this task.

Ndidiamaka Nwosu
UNICEF South East Zonal VSL, Enugu, Nigeria
+2348034796619 OR +2348023418820
  1. il y a 4 ans
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Thanks all. Please find below a link to the draft EVM Manager Guide:


Chapters 1-5 are complete; the later chapters are not yet finished.

Please refer to 'My facilities' on page 24 to understand anyone can deliver an EVM assessment.

Please share any feedback you may have as we work to improve both the tool itself and the guide.

Many thanks,


PS This manager guide is accompanied by the assessor guide available here:

  1. il y a 4 ans
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Hi Dan,
I want to participate in testing your draft if it is not too late to accept me. Sorry for my late response, I was distracted by other conflicting programmes
  1. il y a 4 ans
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No worries. No, it is not too late to start testing. Simply download the EVM Manager Guide (link given above) to create an EVM2 account and start creating your own self-assessments. Refer to the section on 'My facilities' to understand how individuals - as opposed to countries - can create and deliver their own assessments. I am aware that the later sections of the guide are still ind draft so the task is not easy, but any feedback you can give would be useful at this stage.

Note the difference between assessors who use the app to collect the data at health facilities and managers who use the website to create and deliver the assessments. If you want to explore the app and see things from the assessor's perspective, rather than take the role of the manager and test out the website, that is fine as well. To download the app, refer to the EVM Assessor Guide (link also given above).

We hope to schedule a webinar at some point in the coming months to go over the new tool in more detail.
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