
EVM2 app on Windows devices
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours
We are making slow but gradual progress with releasing the EVM2 app on all the different app stores. As noted previously, the iOS (Apple) version is available in Apple's App Store. Now, if you have a WHO email account, you can find the EVM2 app in the Windows Store. Just open the Windows Store on your Windows 10 laptop, PC or phone and sign in the store. Under "World Health Organization" you should see a link to the EVM2 app. Apologies to those who do not have WHO accounts - we will release the app to everyone as soon as possible but at the moment there is a legal issue to resolve before we are allowed to go fully public on the Windows Store. Stay tuned!

Just to reiterate - the app is already publicly available on Android (via direct link) and in the Apple App Store. I will do my best to keep this group up to date on all future EVM2 tool developments as they happen.



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Thank you Dan for the update.
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