
Webinar: Using EVM to build ISC capacity at national and subnational levels
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours
Hi all, if you missed the webinar last week, you can find the recordings and slides below.

Title: Using the Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) assessment tool to build immunization supply chain (ISC) capacity at national and subnational levels
English recording: https://youtu.be/G5Wq3aSVkVQ
French recording: https://youtu.be/5G3kL5JzkCI
Slides: https://www.technet-21.org/media/com_resources/trl/16655/thumb/Using%20the%20EVM%20assessment%20tool%20to%20build%20ISC%20capacity%20at%20national%20and%20subnational%20levels1674535720.pdf

If anyone has any follow-up questions, please post here and we'll respond :-)




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