
EVM2 presentation at the TechNet Conference next week: Wednesday, October 21st 17:00-18:00 CET
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours

Dear all, there is a presentation on EVM2 that will take place during the TechNet Conference next week. It will feature Q&A with colleagues from Iraq and Nigeria on their experiences conducting EVM2 assessments.  

More information on the EVM2 session, including description and presenters, can be found here:


Please RSVP in the event if you wish to attend.  

Also, don't forget to register to the conference if you have not already done so:


Finally, please take a look at the other sessions - there are many interesting presentations planned!



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Dear all, if you missed the presentation on EVM2 at the TechNet Conference last month, please find below a link to the video recording on YouTube:


You can also find the slides that were presented here:


If you have any questions to any of the presenters please post them here and we will respond. Many thanks.
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