
App release 174 published - please install and test
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours
A new version of the EVM app has been released. This releases includes changes on sections L14 and L16 (with this it will be possible to integrate with PQS equipment).

We recommend that you uninstall any earlier version you have before installing this new release.

As far as the website, a new release is also available with the following changes/improvements:

• Heatmap;
• Design improvement on assessment creation steps;
• Changed maximum stock to a monthly based field (on supply chain parameters);
• Design improvement on Supply Chain Parameters;
• Global Admin and Country managers are able to remove permissions from other accounts;
• Allow the possibility for Country manager to moderate country permissions;
• Now it’s only possible to assign questionnaires to country assessors of that specific country;
• Minor bug fixing on Account and Assessments pages.

Please share your feedback here.

Best regards,




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Thanks Sonia for the update. We will try to download the app and test.
Best regards,
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