
App release 171 published - please install and test
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours
A new version of the EVM app has been released. This releases includes changes to the following sections:

- Heatmap - Added link to the requirement's detail, explanation popup to columns/rows headings, fixed score for R17 and back button navigation;
- L3 – standalone questionnaires – when a specific PQS vaccine has been selected, the related questions are prefilled (in the case the dropdown list considers only one option);
- L5 - added some fixes on the tracers;
- Fixed issue that was causing the exception “Error. Unable to save the section on the device";
- Minor improvements on: download section, vertical alignment of answer buttons, page titles, size of the icon marking the wrong answer increased.

We recommend that you uninstall any earlier version you have before installing this new release.

Please share your feedback here.

Best regards,




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Thanks Sonia for the updates. We will review the questionnaires and give feedback by 11th July. Hope it will not be too late.
Best regards,
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