Vendredi 3 Juin 2022
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Join us in this second session of a four-part webinar series on Strengthening immunization supply chains with the Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) assessment tool.

EVM is a global initiative to increase immunization coverage through the continuous improvement of vaccine supply chains, ensuring potent, life-saving vaccines are available to vaccinate populations through the life course when and where they’re needed. EVM was launched in 2009. Drawing on lessons learnt conducting EVM assessments in more than 80 countries, and by leveraging developments in mobile and cloud-based computing, EVM2 was released in 2019. The new tool builds upon the original to provide countries with a broader, more powerful, more agile and more sustainable solution for improving immunization supply chain systems. For more information on EVM, visit the EVM website.

Session 2: Planning and delivering an EVM assessment - who, when and how?

Date: June 9, 15:00 CEST
Panelists:Dan Brigden (WHO), Country presenters TBC 

Register here:

For technical resources on EVM, feel free to visit:

2 years ago

Ahead of the webinar tomorrow (Thursday 09/06/22 15:00 CEST) I am sharing my presentation on "Planning and delivering an EVM assessment - Who, When and How?" The agenda will be:

  1. What is EVM?
  2. Who? When? How?
  3. Preparation
  4. Creating an assessment
  5. Collecting data
  6. Finalizing the assessment
  7. Q&A

Please feel free to take a look and if you have any question or other feedback, you can reply to this forum post. Many thanks and I look forward to connecting with you tomorrow. 

2 years ago

Bonjour à tous! Pour mieux répondre aux attentes de la communauté francophone, nous avons rajouté des sessions en français pour chaque webinaire de cette série. La prochaine session en français aura lieu le 14 juin à 15:00 CEST. 

Session: Planifier et réaliser une évaluation GEV - qui, quand et comment ?
Panéliste: Dan Brigden (OMS) 

Vous pouvez vous inscrire dès aujourd'hui sur le lien suivant:

Remarque: La session en anglais du 09 juin fera toujours l'objet d'une interprétation en français, mais afin d'augmenter les possibilités d'interaction nous vous proposons en parallèle une répétition de cette session présentée cette fois-ci par des francophones. 

2 years ago

The webinar materials of our second session in the series on Strengthening immunization supply chains with the Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) assessment tool, are now available.

Session #2: Planning and delivering an EVM assessment - who, when and how?

- Presentation slides:

- Recording in English:

- Interpretation FR:

For more resources on EVM, and for all the recordings and presentations of this webinar series, please visit our dedicated topic page:

2 years ago

Thank you for posting the recordings. 

I wonder what happened with the June 16 webinar: I was not able to connect to the live even on Zoom and see no recording of it on Technet. If anyone has a recording, it would be great to see it here.

Thank you. 



2 years ago

Dear Olena,


You can find the webinar materials for June 16 session in this discussion thread:

Alternatively, you can find all the recordings and presentations of this webinar series here:


I am sorry to hear you could not connect to the live event, unfortunately technical issues with zoom are not uncommon, but I hope this helps and that you can join us next time.

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