Mardi 14 Février 2023
  3 Replies
  1.1K Visits

Dear All, I am pharmacist and working in Atlas Logistique (an emergency and operationnal unit of Handicap International). We had open few logistics platforms in Ukraine and we plan to open new one in Afghanistan (storage & transport of medicines and medical products, H2H project). I would like to ask if you have any ideas of training on GDP (Good Distribution Practices for pharmaceuticals products) and Cold Chain - on Internet. Thanks in advance for your help. Jade PAPIN


This one by HETI is one of my favourites, though focused on vaccines:

Also UNICEF have plenty of training material: AGORA (

And MSF, in its tembo platform (open access) has training on "Introduction to Medical Supply": Tembo: Log in to the site (



1 year ago

Thanks a lot!


1 year ago

Dear Jade,

When you posted this request in February, I sent you a chat message on the TechNet platform and wrote you a message on Linkedin. Seems like you have not seen them.

Well, Pharmaceutical Secure Supply Chain Management on Wheels is the only experiential learning event on GDP that we used to run at WHO (first course in 2004). The course was repeated every year until my retirement in 2018. Now, the course is offered by Extensio et Progressio (Switzerland) and Tip Kurumu (Turkiye). I am attaching the introduction document that explains everything on the course including how to apply. 

As for the 2023 course, we have 2 seats left. I encourage you to apply and/or facilitate that your colleagues could.

As for the online options, we also offer authentic online learning programmes. If you contact me via email we can discuss this. 

Much looking forward to hearing from you.

Cheers, UMIT

Dr Umit Kartoglu, MD, DrPH

Extensio et Progressio SARL

[email protected] 

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