Lundi 6 Juin 2022
  7 Replies
  1.8K Visits

I'm looking for studies comparing the environmental impact of solar direct drive ice-lined refrigerators versus vaccine refrigerators using grid-electricity, kerosene and gas. Or cradle-to-grave, Life cycle analysis of SDD ILR's versus these other types of refrigerators.

Basically to answer the questions:

1) What are average CO2 emissions (savings) over a 10-year lifespan during the use-phase of these refrigerators?
2) Is there any CO2 emission saving or improvement in Greenhouse warming potential, over the total life span of these refrigerators (including the emissions produced during production of the refrigerators and photovoltaic cells, and end-of-life disposal).

This is in support of research I'm conducting into sustainable procurement of cold chain equipment.


2 years ago

Hi Jurgen,

I do not know of a CO2 emissions study off the top of my head, but PATH did a total cost of ownership comparison in 2016 across different types of refrigerators. I believe the fuel cost is included, you could perhaps estimate the CO2 from that? The report is available in powerpoint form here: 

Joanie Robertson

2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I've looked at Path's TCO tool, but for example it doesn't include carbon footprint of production of solar cells.

2 years ago

Ah yes, I see. Perhaps other TechNet colleagues have suggestions of more comprehensive analysis out there. 


2 years ago

Hi Jurgen,


CHAI has been doing some prelimnary research into this area and would be interested to connect with you to explore these questions.


Also the ESMAP/World Bank has been working on developing a Tool for ClimateFriendly Cold Chains (CFCC) for COVID-19& Beyond: this tool enables stakeholders to develop and compare low-cost, climate friendly scenarios for cold chain development that support their national vaccination goals and related energy needs. I can follow up to inquire about the tool's availability.




2 years ago

Hi Leye.

It would be helpful if you could share the ESMAP/WB tool. I just found a publication on their support to Mongolia, and it's useful to know, thanks! -Jurgen


2 years ago

Hello Jurgen,

The tool is still in testing mode in a few countries and will not be public for a few more months.

Perhaps you can reach out to the lead developer Nicholas Lam who is a Energy Access researcher at SERC (Schatz Energy Research Center) to see if he might be able to help you answer some of these questions.

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