Mardi 12 Octobre 2021
  4 Replies
  2.8K Visits

Dear colleagues,

PATH is seeking to identify and document the largest barriers within the primary health care (PHC) cold chain system as well as identify and document opportunities and challenges with integration of PHC and vaccine product cold chains. As such, we are conducting a survey that asks respondents to identify and describe the most significant barriers within the PHC cold chain that prevent the delivery of priority temperature-sensitive health products to those who need them. We are asking experts in the supply chain and/or PHC delivery to participate. Feedback from this survey will inform strategy recommendations and next steps for integration and cold chain solutions to improve the delivery of PHC services. This survey will take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete.

Please complete the survey by Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 5:00 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time by clicking on the link here: Primary health care cold chain challenges and integration

If the link above does not work, try copying the link below into your web browser:  

Your contributions are invaluable to this effort, and we look forward to learning from your insights! Thank you very much, in advance, for your time.

2 years ago

Dear colleagues,

The following document contains the results from the surey and our work in this area:

Thanks to all of you that responded to the survey feedback. 

Best wishes,


2 years ago

Hi Hendrick,


Yes, we will post a summary to Technet after the results are analyzed, which will likely be in late November.


We just today posted a French version of the survey under a separate Technet posting but also available at the link below with a deadline of November 5:   


To others that read this response, there are still a few days left to fill out the English version of the survey:  


Best regards,


2 years ago

This sounds very interesting Joseph, and I there will be a good response to your request. Will the results be made available here (TechNet)? If yes, do you have any indication of the timeline? Thanks

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