Mardi 14 Octobre 2014
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The budget impact of controlling wastage with smaller vials: A data driven model of session sizes in Bangladesh, India (Uttar Pradesh), Mozambique, and Uganda. W Yang, M Parisi, B Lahue, J Uddin, D Bishai - Vaccine, 2014 Link to full Article. Highlights This model was the first of its kind to generate wastage rates as an output based on country-level micro data collected at different types of clinics in the field. A demographics-based budget impact model with a ten-year analytical horizon was developed. The model estimated vaccine wastage rate and its economic implications for Inactive polio vaccine, based on arrival distributions derived from field data of session sizes in Bangladesh, India (Uttar Pradesh), Mozambique, and Uganda. Our study demonstrated that while wastage reduction can be realized by switching to smaller dose vials, it did not guarantee a reduction in total program costs. With the flexibility of our model design, it can be adapted to different vaccines prices and dose schedules, which enables policy makers to weigh different factors in optimal vaccine delivery decision making.
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