Jeudi 19 Mai 2022
  2 Replies
  1.8K Visits

Dear all, 

I am writing to ask for help in interpreting the attached template for the CCEOP Operational Deployment Plan V2.2. I am a VMS in Central Asia and got stuck while translating the template into Russian, namely: in the drop-down list in the column I ("Reason for deployment") on the "Refri&Freezer" tab we have options "Extension" and "Expansion" and I don't quite understand the operational difference in this case. Please help. 

Thank you. 

Olena Wagner

2 years ago

Dear Olena,

Thanks for reaching out. I believe the request has now been addressed on email via the Gavi Senior Country Manager. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions. The updated tools can be accessed on the Gavi website including the Operational Deployment Plan.

Jalia Nanfuka


2 years ago

Dear Jalia, 

Indeed, my question has been addressed. Thank you. 

With best regards, 
Olena Wagner

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