Mardi 26 Mai 2020
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PATH's Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded Introducing Digital Immunization information systems: Exchange and Learning from Vietnam (IDEAL-Vietnam) project is very excited to announce the release of their second case study: 

The Design, Development, and Deployment of an Electronic Immunization Registry in Vietnam: Reflections, guidance and global similarities 


Designing, developing, and deploying an electronic immunization information system can help to increase vaccination coverage, reduce burden on health care workers, and improve health outcomes. The process of introducing an electronic immunization registry (EIR) depends on a country’s specific context (technology, government, population); however, there are also similar trends shared by implementers of EIRs worldwide. This case study presents the Vietnam experience during the design, development and deployment of an EIR project along with key findings from guidance documents worldwide. The hope is that lessons learned from each stage presented in this case study will also help global audiences currently in any stage of an EIR project.


You can find regularly updated project documents and further information about this project on our homepage

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