Mercredi 19 Avril 2017
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by Dr Blanche ANYA and Dr David BROWN

During 21-24 February 2017, representatives from Cameroon, Ethiopia, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda gathered in Kampala, Uganda to rethink and improve their country’s current home-based record design and functionality as well as the broader system that supports the home-based record to address issues such as stock-outs described previously here. Participants not only walked away from the workshop with a new paper prototype of their improved home-based records (e.g., vaccination card, child health book) and an implementation plan to move forward, but they left the workshop with a conviction that addressing the needs of primary users ensures that the home-based record is valued by, and meaningful to, the intended users while also made available in the right place, at the right time and in the right quantity.

Following a user-centered approach, participants of the Africa workshop conducted pre-workshop activities that included health facility visits to talk with and observe caregivers and health workers, as well as to collect information to map out how their home-based records are prepared, produced, distributed and used. Participants brought this information,which was shared across country teams, as input to the cross-country workshop to help the teams think beyond usual assumptions and ground their decisions on actual observations rather than perception.

We encourage readers to take a quick read through the final workshop report available below.

6 years ago

Dear Friends of Home-based Records,

I have noticed that I failed to provide a link to resources from the 2017 Africa HBR revitalization workshop. The country presentations, both their pre-workshop assessments of the current context and feedback from end-users (caregivers, health workers, administrators) and their final presentations, along with workshop presentations describing the user-centerd design approach and prototyping are available for download at

Again, apologies for the long overdue link.

Also, do not forget about the new HBR topic area here in TechNet (which can also be accessed from


Congratulations for this initiative!

Really, innovations in the HBR can only come with innovations in the approaches used to design and produce them. The report is concise and extremely nice to read. We need to learn from these experiences to have professional approaches to design!

6 years ago

Dear David etal

Thank you for sharing the above. In our next lot of COMBO-CARD we wish to improve by incorporating a few more points. If I am called as resource person to speak on RI, I wish to select this as one of the topics. 

Best wishes

Holla n Team




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