Jeudi 28 Janvier 2021
  2 Replies
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The Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator's Country Readiness and Delivery workstream  is developing COVID-19 vaccine specific training resources. 

COVID-19 vaccine explainers are designed to support countries in preparing for specific requirements presented by each vaccine product that receives WHO Emergency Use Listing (EUL) procedure and / or prequalification.

In addition, short instructional PowerPoints and videos are being developed that provide training on how to handle and use these COVID-19 vaccine product. You can share your comments, questions, and feedback by emailing [email protected] .


Resources are available here:


3 years ago

On the one hand, it is a genuine relief that this long-awaited vaccine-specific document in which the complexity and detailed requirements for using this Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine product are so clearly spelled out.  On the other hand, it becomes even clearer to me that storage and especially the transport and handling complexity will make effective use of this novel Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine unrealistic for most LMICs, except in the largest cities with ultra-cold vaccine storage capacity and adequate numbers of (re-)trained logistics and front-line practitioners. 

In the face of news reports today that COVAX and Gavi will be making the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine available, I believe that there is still a need for a high-level "briefer" to guide senior decision-makers (written in a simple way that it can be shared with politicians) at global and national levels about the challenge of selecting and using such a demanding vaccine as the Pfizer vaccine product and recommending that countries must intentionally OPT-IN to receive this vaccine after careful deliberation with experienced in-country technical and program staff.  


3 years ago
Appropriate product selection and effective use will be enhanced and confusion reduced by providing simple job aids about how to store and handle the different vaccines, especially when several vaccines are likely to be used in the same country. Here are the links to two CDC job aids, one on each of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, followed by a handy link from the Immunization Action Coalition comparing these two vaccines.
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