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Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:

2nd Déc, 2021 3:00PM


2nd Déc, 2021 4:00PM

Event Description:

Webinar series: Temperature Monitoring: Keeping a Cold Chain Cold

In this series, we will explore the different technologies that are available for active temperature monitoring of your cold chain. Practical experiences from countries using 30 Day Temperature Recorders (30DTR) and Remote Temperature Monitoring Devices (RTMD) will provide some best practices and lessons learned from using the different devices. You will also hear about the future of temperature monitoring and what is on the horizon. 


Session #04: Equipment Monitoring Systems (EMS): The future of interactive cold chain performance monitoring

Date: Thursday 02 December, 15:00 CET

Register here:

Immunization programs often encounter technical challenges when adopting current cold chain equipment (CCE) performance monitoring tools. WHO PQS is working towards solving these challenges by establishing a new way of monitoring equipment performance. This interactive session presents the future of equipment monitoring systems (EMS) and how they can become a valuable tool for immunization programs. Participants will also have the chance to provide their feedback on the proposed EMS features in real-time through an interactive survey tool.


To continue the discussion or ask your questions, feel free to reply to this forum post or to join our telegram group dedicated to Immunization Supply Chain 

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