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Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:

21st Oct, 2020 3:00PM


21st Oct, 2020 4:00PM

Event Description:

Plenary: Conference re-opening


Welcome back

Adama Sawadogo (UNICEF)


The impact of Covid-19 on imunization services and guiding principles for immunization activities during severe disruptions

Diana Chang-Blanc (WHO)


Love in the time of COVID: How can resilient supply chains save health systems in the long term?

Peter Okebukola (McKinsey & Co)

This presentation highlights the critical role of supply chains in building resilient health systems, in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and provides some suggestions for tactical steps that decision makers can take to position the supply chains for success in the long term.


Financing for sustainable and resilient supply chains

Sena Kwawa (frontdoor)

Sharing relevant private sector experience around resilience and different ways of problem solving!

Impossible de charger le contenu de l'info-bulle.