Collaborative approach for data visualization dashboard for routine vaccination coverage monitoring in Guatemala - May 2023

figure1Dashboard for Routine Vaccination Coverage Monitoring, Guatemala, May 2023.

Data visualization plays a crucial role in analyzing public health data and aiding in informed decision-making. The introduction of an interactive dashboard by the Guatemalan Ministry of Health (MOH) has provided a valuable tool for daily reporting of COVID-19 cases. To enhance its utility, the dashboard has been expanded to include data on COVID-19 vaccine uptake, enabling national authorities to effectively allocate resources. Recognizing the need for real-time data visualization in the context of recovering routine vaccination coverage, an interactive dashboard was developed using the R programming language and the Shiny package. The dashboard encompasses comprehensive information on person, place, and time.

The development of this dashboard was a collaborative effort between the MOH's immunization program and PAHO Guatemala's immunization team. The MOH's technology and information department contributed the necessary data on administered doses and target populations. Subsequently, the data was meticulously cleaned, processed, and transformed into visual representations. To ensure accuracy, the initial dashboard underwent rigorous validation and testing, which involved comparing the dashboard's results for each municipality against the vaccination coverage calculated by the MOH's conventional method employing an Excel sheet with fixed formulas.

To familiarize MOH personnel from local and central levels with the dashboard and its functionalities, two online presentation sessions were conducted by the immunization program in partnership with PAHO Guatemala. Furthermore, a one-month trial period was established to assess the user-friendliness, reliability, and capacity of the dashboard to handle substantial traffic. The dashboard's online link and authorized access accounts were provided to the 775 attendees of the introduction sessions, allowing them to review and provide feedback on the design, features, and functionalities. Prompt attention was given to recommendations concerning the download of disaggregated data for all municipalities, leading to the addition of the functionality to download specific vaccine information in this manner. This collaborative approach to testing and validation ensured that the final product was accurate and effectively met the needs of its intended users.

figure2The vaccination coverage dashboard offers an interactive and dynamic exploration of vaccination data for children aged 0 to 5 years and girls aged 9 to 16 years for HPV vaccination, spanning from 2017 to the present. Interactive maps, charts, and graphs facilitate the identification of trends and disparities in vaccination coverage nationwide. These tools also enable comparisons over time and between different vaccine doses across various geographic areas. Additionally, users have the convenience of downloading plots as images and data frames as Excel or CSV files, enabling easy sharing and offline data analysis.

The official launch of the vaccination coverage dashboard occurred at the National Palace of Culture in Guatemala City on May 9, 2023. The event was presided over by the Minister of Health, with attendance from two Vice Ministers, the PAHO/WHO country representative, public health experts, and journalists. During the event, MOH authorities emphasized the significance of real-time monitoring of vaccination rates to identify areas with low coverage and prioritize public health efforts. This dashboard represents a significant stride towards a more transparent and accountable MOH, leveraging a digitalized healthcare system and the promotion of children's health in Guatemala.

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Submitting author: Luis Fernando Quezada, (Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.Author list: Lesly Gonzalez(1), Shaily Escobar(1), Leslie Samayoa(1), Luis Fernando Quezada(2), Grethel Alvarado(2), Diego Campos(2), Evelyn Balsells(2), Marc Rondy (2)  - (1)Guatemalan Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare (2)Pan American Health Organization, Guatemala 

Photo 1: Vaccination Coverage Dashboard launch at the National Palace of Culture, Guatemala City, May 2023 (credit: PAHO Guatemala)
Photo 2: Vaccination Coverage Dashboard published online by Guatemala MOH’s, May 2023 (credit: MSPAS Guatemala)