Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource Periodic Intensification of Routine Immunisation (PIRI): Lessons learned and implications for action
Purpose Documentation of the basic characteristics, effectiveness, or common problems of programs of Periodic Intensification of Immunisation (PIRI).
Content Provides a snapshot of the range of PIRI activities and experiences across countries, describes common features and issues, and provides some practical suggestions for country planners to consider.
Expected outcomes Planners will be aware of the operational principles and inputs required to design their own PIRI strategy e.g. choice of interventions, planning, budgeting, coordination, processes to record and report achievements, supplies and logistics management, training, orientation, and human resource issues, communication, social mobilization, and community engagement.
Strengths Summarizes experiences with periodic intensification of routine
immunization based on a review of documents and interviews with personnel involved in these activities.
Contraints/Limitations (a) There is no set strategy for design and implementation of PIRI. Countries need to adapt the approach to local conditions and needs. It is challenging to generalize across highly diverse experiences in countries with vastly varying levels of development.
(b) PIRI activities are intended to augment routine immunization services rather than be the primary means of providing it.
Why use it (a) To support design of programs and service delivery strategies to accelerate improvement in immunisation coverage.
(b) PIRI activity is prompted by concern over low routine immunization performance and the belief that existing routine services will not increase coverage in the near term.
(c) The approach also enables delivery of immunisation services with other maternal and child health interventions.
Who should use it Immunisation planners at national level and sub national level.
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Link to access the resource /es/component/content/article/periodic-intensification-of-routine-immunisation-piri-lessons-learned-and-implications-for-action?catid=654&Itemid=101