Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource Leave No One Behind: Guidance for planning and implementing catch-up vaccination
Purpose To assist national immunization programmes to establish or refine a catch-up vaccination policy and catch-up schedule and to ay out strategies for continuously implementing catch-up vaccination as a component of routine immunization and as an integrated part of the healthcare system.
Content The guideline is in tow main sections. The first outlines principles of catch vaccination, and the second describes special catch-up vaccination efforts following an interruption of service. There is also a set of annexes that includes operational tools and job aids.
Expected outcomes (a) Improved coverage and equity of access through reaching individuals who miss routine vaccine doses for any reason and who can be identified and vaccinated at the earliest opportunity.
(b) Policies, schedules and strategies are in place in preparation for responding to emergency situations or in the event of disruption to health services or interruption to routine EPI or campaigns services.
Strengths (a) As well as identifying catch up policy, schedule, and strategy as an effective means by which to improve coverage and equity, the guidance also demonstrates linkages with routine immunisation and health system strengthening.
(b) In addition to principles and policies and procedures for catch up immunisation strategy, the guidance also includes a set of job aids, tools, worksheets, and schedules to support practical applications of catch-up strategy.
Contraints/Limitations Application of catch-up strategy is considered as a complement and not a replacement for strengthening of routine immunisation services and health system strengthening.
Why use it Zero Dose – Under-immunised – Post emergency or following disruption to the health system, specialised efforts will be required to reach the most vulnerable groups through intensified immunisation services (while still maintaining routine services).
Who should use it National and sub national planners as well as health facility managers and health providers.
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /es/component/content/article/leave-no-one-behind-guidance-for-planning-and-implementing-catch-up-vaccination?catid=660&Itemid=101