Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource Urban Immunization Toolkit
Purpose Serves to complement existing immunization guidelines by tailoring immunization planning, implementation and monitoring approaches to meet challenging contexts in urban areas especially in slum environments. This tool should be used in conjunction with existing immunization guidelines or strategy documents.
Content Structured around five major areas: Planning, Coordination and Management of Resources; Reaching all Eligible Populations; Engaging with Communities; Monitoring and Using Data for Action; and supportive supervision. The toolkit provides a menu of tailored strategies to deliver life-saving vaccines in urban areas especially to urban poor populations.
Expected outcomes Users of the toolkit will become more familiar with the range of strategies and service delivery methods that are applicable in urban settings.
Strengths Users of the toolkit will become more familiar with the range of strategies and service delivery methods that are applicable in urban settings.
Contraints/Limitations Urban health strategies and terminology is highly context specific, so the guide recommends careful tailoring of strategy and terminology to local settings.
Why use it With rapidly growing urban populations especially in developing regions, immunization programmes need to adapt programme policies and strategies to meet needs of mobile, high density, more diverse urban populations particularly those in slum environments.
Who should use it For all stakeholders involved in planning, implementation and monitoring of immunization services in urban areas including Governments (City, Municipal, local), Policy makers, Programme managers, Frontline health care workers, Civil society organizations and civil society, Private sector and urban community members.
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /es/component/content/article/urban-immunization-toolkit?catid=651&Itemid=101