Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource The WHO Flutool Plus- Seasonal Influenza Immunization Costing Tool (SIICT)
Purpose To assist governments to estimate the costs of influenza vaccine introduction for several target populations.
Content The WHO Flutool plus- Seasonal Influenza Immunization Costing Tool (SIICT) is an update of the previous Flutool and helps to project total costs of influenza vaccine introduction for different risk groups by type of delivery strategy over a period of up to five years. The tool allows for the inclusion of the particularly affected populations: pregnant women, health workers, children under five, adults aged 65 and above, people with chronic health conditions. The costing tool enables the user to estimate the value of incremental (additional) resources required to add the influenza vaccine to an existing vaccination programme. It estimates only the value of new resources needed and does not include the cost of other goods and services (e.g. transport) already being used for other vaccines. The SIICT enables the user to estimate the additional resource requirements based on the specific strategy that will be used for vaccinating the target populations in the country.
Use Requires user input. The user should enter data, specify information on the service delivery strategy, and gather data required for the analysis.
Contraints/Limitations Requires the user to make assumptions for each target population in the country, and thus the results will be as good as the assumptions are.
Example criteria this resource could address Cost components of influenza vaccination, recurrent costs, capital costs, financial and economic costs.
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /es/component/content/article/the-who-flutool-plus-seasonal-influenza-immunization-costing-tool-siict?catid=651&Itemid=101