Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource Global Health Expenditure Database
Purpose Database for Health Expenditure Data.
Content It provides internationally comparable data on health spending for close to 190 countries from 2000 to 2019. Supports the goal of Universal Health Coverage by helping monitor the availability of resources for health and the extent to which they are used efficiently and equitably. Contributes to better understanding of how much do different actors contribute, what are the financing arrangements to pay for health, how much money is spent on PHC, how much money is spent on different diseases and programmes such as immunization.
Use Does not require user input. Database, so the user needs to select the desired information.
Contraints/Limitations While WHO works collaboratively with Member States and updates the database annually using available data such as health accounts studies and government expenditure records, where necessary modifications and estimates are made to ensure comprehensiveness and consistency of data.
Example criteria this resource could address Can extract data on how much money is spent on different diseases and programmes, as well as the contributions of different actors.
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /es/component/content/article/global-health-expenditure-database?catid=665&Itemid=101