Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Cost Calculator
Purpose To compare products and estimate vaccination program costs for different vaccine products and presentations, exploring multiple vaccine options at a time. It also can be used to calculate cold chain impact
Content The vaccine cost calculators allow to assess and compare costs of certain vaccination programs over a period of 10 years, which each vaccine product availble in the global market. The Excel-based tools allow country-level policymakers to input a limited set of local data and then compare products and estimate vaccination program costs for different vaccine products and presentations, exploring multiple vaccine options at a time. Estimates of vaccine cost (i.e. vaccine and supplies procurement and international shipping) and vaccination program costs (i.e. vaccine cost and cost delivery) are provided separately for two perspectives: 1)the country perspective, and 2) the combined country and Gavi perspective (only relevant for Gavi-eligible countries). The cost calculators are meant to provide insights into the potential costs of alternative product choices, and should not replace detailed, comprehensive budget planning that includes other dimensions such as supply limitations, timing, public acceptance, cold chain considerations, etc. These tools are for decision makers, implementers (people who will organize action plans), and technical assistance partners. The tool consists of three worksheets: model inputs worksheet, where the user decides which vaccines to compare and adjust data input relevant to country context; results worksheet, where the user can consult costing projections; charts worksheet, where these same results are displayed as charts.
Use Requires user input. Requires input of local data in order to compare products and estimate vaccination program costs for different vaccine products and presentations, exploring multiple vaccine options at a time.
Contraints/Limitations •Meant to provide insights into the potential costs of alternative product choices, but should not replace detailed, comprehensive budget planning.
•Calculations depend on the data input.
Example criteria this resource could address Economic impact and sustainability: For the options compared in the CAPACITI Decision-support tool, the 10 years total number of doses delivered can be calculated and compared, doses required, cold chain volume required, the vaccine cost and vacination programme cost.
If available, notes on the development process Leverages data from Gavi for product profile information and financial support data. UNICEF for handling and shipping. Immunization Delivery Cost Catalogue for cost of delivery data.
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /es/component/content/article/pneumococcal-conjugate-vaccine-cost-calculator?catid=651&Itemid=101