Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource Coverage and Equity Assessments for Immunization Programs (Guidance Note)
Purpose Guidance to conduct Coverage and Equity Assessments (CEA) of their vaccination services.
Content Highlights some best practices and common mistakes that have been learnt from reviewing of past assessments. It comes with a CEA report template and suggestions on the components and activities that should be part of coverage and equity assessments to ensure quality and greater consistency across countries.
Expected outcomes Managers and stakeholders will be aware of the best practices associated with implementation of CEA as well as the options for implementing a CEA in their own settings.
Strengths (a) Outlines main characteristics of a CEA (while recognising there is no set methodology) including a framework for developing a CEA.
(b) Highlights main lessons learned and success factors associated with CEA. (c) Provides a template for development of a CEA.
Contraints/Limitations Recognises that there is no set methodology for conducting a CEA so that the approach should be adapted local conditions and priorities.
Why use it (a) To support conducting of Coverage and Equity Assessments (CEA).
(b) To inform the GAVI Full Portfolio Plan (FPP) process and the development of GAVI grant applications.
(c) To provide evidence for policy, strategy and planning for reductions in inequities.
Who should use it Program managers and immunisation stakeholders.
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /es/component/content/article/coverage-and-equity-assessments-for-immunization-programs-guidance-note?catid=666&Itemid=101