Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource Linking Other Services with Immunisation
Purpose To provide links to related maternal and child health and communicable disease control guidance on integrating interventions.
Content An overview of the principle of integration as expressed in the GVAP and IA2030. Provides links to the integration resource guide, illustrative examples of delivery platforms that can be used for life course approach delivery for routine immunization and links to the guidance on missed opportunities for vaccination. Includes links to webpages of interventions integrated with routine immunization including Vitamin A, Malaria Control, IMCI, deworming, HIV Aids, Tetanus Toxoid, management of pneumonia and diarrhoea. It also links to integration related documents and publications.
Expected outcomes (a) Expanded health services coverage and reduced mortality, where immunisation serves as a delivery platform for other priority public health interventions.
(b) Increased immunisation coverage through reduced missed opportunities for vaccination.
Strengths Provides a comprehensive “program by program” source of information for integrations, and links to a set of systematic reviews highlighting the strength of the approach.
Contraints/Limitations No specific guidance which brings the information together into a single practical guide (possible exception is the IMCI guidance and missed opportunities for vaccination).
Why use it (a) To facilitate increased integration of immunisation program planning with PHC service packages and support universal health coverage objectives.
(b) High relevance to strategy to reduce zero dose and under immunised. Use of the guide / strategy may lead to benefit to immunization from increased integration by cost sharing and reduction of missed opportunities for vaccination. Demand can also be stimulated through cross promotion of other health services. Provision of integrated health services in a more efficient way particularly important in resource-constrained settings.
Who should use it At the policy and planning level, Departments of Planning, MCH and Immunisation program managers to inform planning approaches to support attainment of UHC. Middle level managers and facility managers can explore practical ways to integrate EPI with other health services.
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /es/component/content/article/linking-other-services-with-immunisation?catid=666&Itemid=101