Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource Standard Competencies Framework for the Immunization Workforce, Developing standardized competencies to strengthen immunization systems and workforce
Purpose Supports the assessment, design, development and evaluation of workforce management and development. It is based on a framework that links the competencies of the immunisation workforce to the objectives of an organization, both for planning and for monitoring.
Content Provides details on organisational objectives, organisational attributes (capacities across the six system areas of EPI), work functions, and related competencies for immunisation at each level.
Expected outcomes Competencies in immunisation program management and service delivery can be defined at each level of the health system.
Strengths Provides a framework for human resources management for EPI and strong links between organisational objectives work functions and EPI competencies. The document has a system wide scope, as attributes, work functions and competencies are outlined for national sub national and community level.
Contraints/Limitations Not intended as a regulatory document nor a training curriculum. It is expected that countries or agencies will customize it to fit their needs.
Why use it (a) To address gaps in human resources which are a major contributing factor globally to low and inequitable coverage.
(b) To improve human resources management and planning.
(c) To better distribute human resources as per required functions and more adequately define roles and responsibilities of the health workforce.
Who should use it National and sub national human resource planners and national EPI managers.
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /es/component/content/article/standard-competencies-framework-for-the-immunization-workforce-developing-standardized-competencies-to-strengthen-immunization-systems-and-workforce?catid=660&Itemid=101