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  • Maggie Hurley actualizó la imagen de portada del evento
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  • Maggie Hurley creó un nuevo evento

    Harnessing the Power of the Pandemic Response to Take Immunization into a New Era

    As we prioritize routine immunizations in a post-pandemic era, countries are eager to increase their progress toward achieving global immunization goals set prior to the pandemic. In this webinar, the MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity project will share lessons learned from ...

    As we prioritize routine immunizations in a post-pandemic era, countries are eager to increase their progress toward achieving global immunization goals set prior to the pandemic. In this webinar, the MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity project will share lessons learned from India and Kenya during the pandemic and how they can be applied to routine immunization.

    Government officials from India will discuss bringing equitable COVID-19 vaccination to vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations using community engagement and working through local nongovernmental organizations with deep community networks. Hear how this approach can be used to improve routine immunization, especially for populations commonly missed by health services.

    Learn about Kenya’s immunization program and what measures were taken to keep immunization coverage from dropping during the pandemic. Hear more about how these new strategies to improve equity and life course vaccination were implemented and what others can gain from the lessons learned.

    26th Abr, 2023 08:30 - America/New_York
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