Por VillageReach en Martes, 18 Julio 2023
Categoría: Partner News

Reaching Further Through Radical Collaboration

Reaching Further Through Radical Collaboration

Over the next three years, VillageReach will draw upon our strengths, developed over two decades, by building high-quality solutions that address the needs and preferences of communities and bring health products to hard-to-reach people in innovative ways. We gave ourselves bold goals because achieving this health care transformation will be critical to reaching the bold Sustainable Development Goals and contributing to universal health coverage by 2030.

But we know that we can't do it alone.

That's why partnerships are at the heart of our work. Our partnerships with governments, communities, social innovators, and donors allow us to reach more people and improve lives. For example, our partnership with The Learning Network on Scaling Innovations across Africa has provided a launching pad for African collaboration and innovation to solve primary health care challenges.

Our 2022 Annual Impact Report highlighted the importance of partnerships in furthering the reach of essential health care solutions. We will continue to place a high value on radical collaboration, not only with national, regional, and global partners, but with communities themselves, as a vehicle for health care innovation and improvement.

By working together, we can achieve more than we ever could alone. Thank you for being part of this journey.

In solidarity,

Claudia Shilumani

Acting President & CEO


Forging new partnerships to center African primary health care

An “all hands on deck” approach to health care delivery involving governments, the private sector, civil society, multilateral institutions and communities is the non-negotiable pathway to improved primary health care in Africa. These new partnerships must rise to the challenge today for a sustainable tomorrow.



Building a Platform for African Health Care Collaboration and Innovation

We celebrate four years of the Learning Network on Scaling Innovations in the Public sector, which brought together 400+ partners from 47 countries to share experiences, learn from each other and develop strategies for scaling up successful health interventions. Read what’s next for Africa’s learning agenda.


Polio Lab Sample Program Blog Series

VillageReach’s Lab Sample Transport for Polio Eradication program contributes to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) by improving the speed and quality of polio sample transportation from communities and health facilities to laboratories in 14 countries. Our goal is to help stop the transmission of poliovirus and prevent outbreaks by contributing to faster detection and notification of test results. Read more in our new blog series:

The quest to improve polio specimen transport in the DRC

Once suspected cases of polio are present, a race against time begins. In a country where only 17% of the road infrastructure is in good condition, with natural barriers such as lakes and rivers, and a challenging security situation in some areas, the outcome of this race is not a foregone conclusion. We explore how our intervention is making an impact in the Tanganyika province.

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CIDRZ helps to improve polio environmental surveillance in Zambia

There are no reported polio cases in Zambia, but three positive environmental samples were collected last year, with the most recent in December 2022. The Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) is an independent, local, non-governmental health organization making progress in achieving the goal of a polio-free Zambia.

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The role of Malawi’s data detectives in polio sample transport

In 2022, Malawi detected its first case of wild poliovirus in 30 years, leading to a local public health emergency response and new global urgency to the polio eradication mission. What is a data detective? What data are they using to improve polio sample transport times? Find out how local and global communities of partners have rallied to support the Malawi Ministry of Health to contain polio for good.

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Leveraging Local Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Distributors in DRC

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the local pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution sector is critical for achieving universal health coverage. Learn how we’re leveraging private sector capacity to promote the growth of local manufacturing and distribution sectors.


A New Digital Solution to Support Liberia’s Community Health Workers

"The only way we can co-create innovative solutions to deliver health products and services is by understanding the daily challenges that community health workers (CHWs) face." Read about the Electronic Community-Based Information System (eCBIS), a new digital solution to support Liberia's CHWs.


VillageReach in the News:


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