Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource Global routine immunization strategies and practices (GRISP)
Purpose In the context of the Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2020, to reassert routine immunization as the foundation for sustained decreases in morbidity and mortality from vaccine-preventable diseases across the life cycle of all individuals.
Content GRISP contains two major components: nine transformative investments to achieving better immunization outcomes, and a comprehensive framework of strategies and practices for routine immunization. The 9 transformative investments include (1) national teams, (2) strategies to reach, (3) planning cycle, (4) funding flow, (5) vaccinator capacity, (6) adequate supply, (7) monitoring systems, (8) beyond infancy, and (9) community involvement. The framework of strategies and practices includes sections on maximising reach, managing the program, mobilizing people, and monitoring the program.
Expected outcomes Will transform national programs and partners to be more strategic in achieving programme goals.
Strengths Provides a strategic overview of the main operational components that have the potential to transform national programs.
Contraints/Limitations (a) As a framework for a national approach, it does not provide a detailed operational guide for strengthening routine immunisation at a facility level.
(b) The framework requires to be adapted by national programs to local context.
Why use it (a) Provides overall national direction for strategies and practices for routine immunisation.
(b) Provides strategic guidance on tailoring of services and vaccination across the life course.
(c) Of high relevance to zero dose and under-immunised – Second transformative investment (strategies to reach) includes action and operational directions for “Detecting and serving unreached or marginalized populations, communities and individuals.”
Who should use it National program managers and immunization partners.
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Link to access the resource /en/component/content/article/global-routine-immunization-strategies-and-practices-grisp?catid=660&Itemid=101