Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

Comparing Resources

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Resource Comparison table of WHO prequalified typhoid conjugate vaccines (TCVs)
Purpose Comparison table of WHO prequalified typhoid conjugate vaccines (TCVs)
Content Comparison table of WHO prequalified typhoid conjugate vaccines (TCVs)
Use Comparing of WHO prequalified typhoid conjugate vaccines (TCVs).
Example criteria this resource could address Vaccine efficacy, vaccine effectiveness, vaccine schedule alignment, safety/AEFI
If available, notes on the development process For the TCV vaccines discussed in this document, the following disclaimer applies: WHO does not approve or endorse the use of specific branded products over others.
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /en/component/content/article/comparison-table-of-who-prequalified-typhoid-conjugate-vaccines-tcvs?catid=655&Itemid=101